• 3D štampa
  • [20 Minutes Live Demo] High Performance SLS Printing – Reliable and Easy to Use

    Tuesday, April 12th | 16:00
    Register: https://bit.ly/3rldVUK

    Do you have 20 minutes to learn how SLS 3D printing can help you create production-ready, high-performance Nylon parts?
    In this free online product demo, Sean Doyle will introduce you to the Fuse 1 as well as the Fuse Sift and give you an insight into the workflow, from printer setup to powder preparation and reuse.
    We’ll also answer any questions you may have live at the end of the session.

    What you will learn:

    • Key benefits of in-house SLS 3D printing.
    • Which components can be printed with the Fuse 1 (including customer examples).
    • A step-by-step guide to using the Fuse 1 and Fuse Sift.
  • 3D štampa
  • 3D štampani kalupi za brizganje plastike

    Brizganje plastike je trenutno najrasprostranjeniji metod industrijske proizvodnje. Uglavnom se koristi u masovnoj proizvodnji plastičnih i gumenih delova. U ovom procesu potrebno je napraviti kalup a koji se najčešće pravi od metala koji se obrađuje na CNC mašini. Zbog toga je priprema kalupa relativno skupa, ali je istina da takvi kalupi traju dugo što pruža ekonomsku efikasnost u velikim serijama. (more…)